For enterprises, portals offer a single window to access information across multiple applications such as ERP, Enterprise Content Management, CRM, Business Intelligence, Learning Management System and others. Liferay, a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals, offers powerful presentation and collaboration capabilities for enterprises through its open standards.
Big Data technologies are providing business insight by rapidly analysing large volumes of data. MongoDB, named a “A Cool Vendor in Information Infrastructure & Big Data”, is the leading NoSQL database system empowering businesses to be more agile and scalable.
Big Data Portal, an integration of Liferay and MongoDB, offers enterprises many business benefits including:
- Real time sentiment and trending analysis of brands, products, etc.
- A 360 degree view of the customer, allowing businesses to enhance customer satisfaction
- Simplified user data management increasing productivity and insight
- Consistent look and feel across multiple gadgets and mobile devices – including responsive design
CIGNEX, Liferay Gold Partner & MongoDB Advanced Partner, invites you to this free webinar where we will showcase how your business can benefit from Big Data Portal. Discover how to enable lower TCO and higher ROI for your enterprise.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 10 am - 11 am BST
Registration Link