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10 Apr 2015
The endeavor to provide a single-window view of enterprise wide information and knowledge assets has led to a frenzy of activity around the enterprise information portal development landscape. The current portal in a company con...
17 Mar 2015
The key to success in business is to have a connected, integrated and involved employee base. All over the world, enterprise-grade intranet portals are currently used in the digital workplace to improve synchronization, store co...
17 Mar 2015
At CIGNEX, we view Intranet as a viable medium to foster peer-to-peer collaboration and harness value-enhancing measures across the board in a company. Intranet has proven to be a highly effective channel to bring together emplo...
24 Feb 2015
As a practice, Enterprise Search & Retrieval (ESR) has been around in a rudimentary form ever since computers and IT were employed for enterprise needs. However, with the massive explosion of data produced, shared and consum...
10 Feb 2015
A high degree of visibility around companies, services, products and brands is prevalent currently in the age of the internet. In such a scenario, defending a brand’s reputation against negative reviews or promoting positive rev...
30 Dec 2014
Ramesh Chauhan, Lead Consultant with CIGNEX, recently wrote a book on Alfresco titled “Learning Alfresco Web Scripts”, a comprehensive guide to understanding Alfresco web script development and frameworks. Web Scripts is a power...
23 Dec 2014
An enhanced e-Commerce is very much the need of an hour to keep pace with the exponentially growing online retail industry. e-Marketers forecast online retail to be a $435 billion industry by 2017 and till 2018 as per Forester r...
05 Sep 2014
Marketing has evolved over the years with the changing preferences of target audience. As the target audience is shifting online, marketers are leveraging the digital channels to communicate with them accordingly. The primary ro...
27 Aug 2014
Today, Open Source solutions (OSS) have become a transformational IT trend: enterprise increasingly sees them as more flexible, less expensive, and easier to manage than alternatives offered by proprietary application vendors. “...
22 Aug 2014
Recently we have used Embedded ERP module in one of my Website. So I thought to write my experience with the module and share it with everyone. What is Embedded ERP? When you are having an large Warehouse for your e-commerce web...
06 Aug 2014
  It is a complex world out there where employees need to collaborate beyond the enterprise to get work done – with consultants, partners, contractors, prospects, customers, or agencies. Moreover, with advanced technology, new t...
06 Aug 2014
/*-->*/ Installing Zenoss on RHEL 5 or CentOS 5   Requirements   Run all commands as root, from the machine where you want to install Zenoss. Zenoss requires that Sun JRE 1.5 or later version be installed on your syste...
06 Aug 2014
/*-->*/ /*-->*/ Objective The objective of this document is to provide detailed information on “How to Improve Magento Performance” Scope We will cover following topics which contributes to overall Magento performance optim...
06 Aug 2014
Liferay-Tomcat Cluster Setup Prerequisites: Software : Liferay-portal-tomcat.6.1.10-ee-ga1.tar.gz Systems: Liferay Tomcat Node 1: IP: (LOCALIP) Liferay Tomcat Node 2: IP: (NODE2) Liferay 6.1.10 Instal...
06 Aug 2014
Record keeping and document archiving are such common practices within enterprises that their importance often goes unrecognized. An efficient archivist was the person who preserved records with such a systematic finesse and str...
06 Aug 2014
Titanium Mobile A Free and Open Source application development platform for creating native mobile application experiences using JavaScript, Titanium API, HTML & CSS Why Drupal ? Most Reliable CMS in the world Mana...
06 Aug 2014
Many of the readers are wondering that if book is for Business users why there is a chapter of "Configuring Share". Indeed this is included to make users feel how easy it is to customize Share and technical expertise is not requ...
31 Jul 2014
Automated Content Management & Publishing workflow with Alfresco as back-end ECM for collaborative and secure content creation, review, approval and archival process integrated with Drupal as front-end WCM for rich web visit...