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04 Nov 2015
With increased emphasis on cost cutting among mid-sized and larger organisations, multi-tenancy of software has come up to be a legitimate way of reducing IT cost overheads without compromising operations. Let’s take a deeper di...
03 Nov 2015
Modern day businesses face two fundamental challenges – reducing costs and growing revenues. Juxtapose this with the tremendous tech disruptions; what we get as a result are more robust, meaningful, and proven ways of doing busi...
08 Oct 2015
What your Intranet finally evolves to, is really up to your imagination. You can either have it as a one page welcome board flashing on everyone’s screen, or go to a more detailed and powerful level of credential based access, s...
08 Oct 2015
Just like traditional social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.), social intranet platforms foster a collaborative and effective way of communication amongst employees. They nurture deeper understanding among empl...
06 Oct 2015
Introducing Liferay and Magento into your e-commerce strategy needs very little convincing. The two technologies have proven to be successful in multiple industry verticals in recent years. They have provided immense RoI to adop...
06 Oct 2015
Being a major pure play open source technology player, CIGNEX has had significant engagement in the e-commerce space with numerous e-retail clients. One of the common questions the clients nowadays ask us is – “Is it a good move...
06 Oct 2015
Even though the B2C market remains diverse and staggered globally, there are a few interesting trends and patterns that holds true irrespective of the geography. One of these trends is the massive influx of mobile in making purc...
10 Sep 2015
RDBMS or relational database platforms have been powering businesses for years. Recent developments, however, dictate that there are many applications where RDBMS systems might be lacking in certain ways. Many organizations curr...
28 Aug 2015
The modern Age Enterprise Today, India has the highest number of young people (10-24 year olds). This statistic is poised to be strengthened by 2020 when the average age of an Indian resident will be 29 years. Combine this fact ...
28 Aug 2015
What is IoT? A British entrepreneur, Kevin Ashton coined this term “Internet of Things” in 1999. Also called “Internet of Everything”, it is the way of interaction amongst network of physical objects or things included within so...
28 Aug 2015
ECM or Enterprise Content Management is a key area of business that drives mission critical organizational processes and plays an important part in business growth and development. With evolving times, there have been high-impac...
01 Aug 2015
The annual convention of we.CONNECT Global Leaders GmBH on Intranet technologies seeks to close the difference between business need and technology offerings. Its primary focus is on streamlining business processes with help of ...
01 Aug 2015
MongoDB deserves a place of pride as one of the foremost cross platform database solution available today. As of Jan 2015, it has overtaken PostgreSQL at the number 4 slot of most popular DBMS. It is well-received amongst develo...
24 Jul 2015
The Current Scenario: The education sector has been seeing a gradual decline due to lack of interest presented by conventional teaching methods. With falling enrolment rates and high dropout rates plaguing most major educational...
24 Jul 2015
Online Reputation Management is still a bit of an enigma to most businesses. While still in its infancy, the fact that reputation counts for a lot and can majorly influence the fortunes of a business, is already beyond doubt. In...
24 Jul 2015
Today, we look at how multiple media channels running on the back of improved mobility and influential social sharing are driving employee engagement in the current context and how Social Intranet platforms are crucial for manag...
22 Jul 2015
The Enterprise Data Warehouse built using Teradata, Oracle, DB2 or other DBMS is undergoing a revolutionary change. As the sources of data become rich and diverse, storing them in a traditional EDW is not the optimal solution. T...
22 Jul 2015
Liferay’s last stable release Version 6.2 EE has been in the market for over a year enabling development of complex applications thanks to the rich features such as responsive design, mobile SDK and apps, enhanced WCM, administr...