RPA is changing the way IT works and software testing automation is the next area BOTS are set to conquer. While automation testing is a buzzing marketplace, often there are multiple test scenarios where brute automation does not work. This can be attributed to multiple challenges:
- Desktop Software – legacy desktop based software are the most challenging candidates for software automation. They pose a unique set of challenges for the testers with their dated interfaces and heterogeneous presentation layer. Commonly faced challenges include clickable areas that are images or unrecognizable elements on the page. Automation testing tools are severely limited in test coverage in such scenarios
- Challenges posed by variables – Another common challenge is that real testing environments are dynamic. Test cases written in controlled environments fail when real life factors like network latency, resource failures (electricity, Software crash) come into play.
- Regression Testing – Automation in the true sense means in the ability to execute the test cases and then automatically re-run the cases that failed in the initial run, there should be no need for manual intervention.
These are 3 candidate scenarios where most automation testing tools fail to live up to their potential. With the advent of RPA tools like UIPath, Automation Anywhere, Blueprism and many such, the bot has become the tester. This is a huge boon to the testing industry as now one can truly emulate human behaviour and come up with test coverage that was hard to imagine using testing automation tool.
We at CIGNEX have completed some very interesting and compelling use cases where we have developed testing BOTS to fill in the gaps created by automation testing Tools. With the help of primary and ancillary bots we have executed complex automation testing scenarios which were deemed impossible by standard automation testing tools.
For more information on Automation testing using software bots in multiple environments, please visit our services brief on UiPath