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07 Aug 2012

Freedom to deploy the content you want with Alfresco WCM

Alfresco WCM has the concept called ASR deployment, which allows you to deploy a snap shot of your source server to configured destination server/s. For some scenarios the problem with this approach is, it will deploy the whole bunch of contents from the latest created content. So there may be a requirement to not to deploy few of the previous contents from your latest content or to deploy a specific content only.

At CIGNEX, we have found the solution for such a scenario and successfully delivered it to our major Insurance client in USA. We have customized the Alfresco's deployment mechanism to support this.

In our solution, you just need to browse through the content which you want to deploy to your configure destination server. There we have provided a custom action icon called "Deploy" in front of the content itself, clicking on which will take you to the list of available servers to deploy. So now your selected content only will be deployed as a snapshot to the destination not the whole lot of contents.


Kirit Thummar

Consultant @ Cignex Technologies.