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25 May 2015

Content all around us continues to see massive exponential growth. If AOL and Nielsen say that 27 million pieces of content are created/curated every single day, then it’s time for content managers to take serious cognizance of the immense influx of content. Some other trends worth noting are the increased use of analytics, exponential growth of e-commerce, growth of mobile, and need for unified content marketing experience.

With such a gigantic volume of content comes its own set of challenges such as timely collaboration, pains of integrating ECM and WCM, scalability issues and content access and transformation challenges. As such, the content management solutions provider needs to prioritize rich media publishing capabilities, the use of analytics for insights and devising value-enabling ways of Content Distribution and Management.

Content can be in one or more of the below forms:

1. Rich multimedia files
2. Text only files
3. Mails
4. Inter-company and intra-company documents
5. Knowledge assets
6. Tech codes

It can highlight one or more of the features –

1. Helps in Workflow Management
2. Role-based Access to content
3. Ability to review/approve content
4. Can have remote Access
5. Promotes Collaboration
6. Multichannel transmission
7. Scalable for growth

An optimum Content Management Workflow shows the below transition:

1. Content Creation
2. Staging/Versioning
3. Review and approval
4. Publishing of content that is SEO friendly and is responsive

These steps can be easily accomplished with a Content Management Platform that has three key objectives –

1. Capture – i.e. Content Development by authors, writers, and creators (both in-house and outsourced)
2. Manage – Taking care of Workflow Engine, modification, tracking content for easy access, long term storage as per statutory compliance
3. Publish – This can happen either through print, IT systems, smartphones and other feasible channels

Content Management at Work

A UK based independent Risk Research Advisory Firm had the below business needs:

  • Upgrade E-commerce Store from PERL to future-ready, and Low Cost Platform
  • The system needed to have integrated marketing and promotion tools
  • Support for 20,000+ total and 400+ Concurrent Online Users without disruptions
  • <5 sec page load time

The current client engagement was driven by Drupal based website, Digital Mktg. Platform, Content Mgmt. Platform and 13 Microsites

CIGNEX devised a comprehensive ECM that had the below features –

1. Seamless Integration of Drupal website with Magento company store
2. Linked through an FTP based Publishing platform with below capabilities:

  • Comprehensive Dashboard (with 30 Dashlets)
  • Powerful Search facility
  • Alfresco based workflow and indexing for content publishing
  • Linked to 850+ authors and content creators
  • Spans 39 sectors across 6 different workflows and 1 million content pieces

With this ECM solution, the client derived the below benefits –

  • A scalable and robust e-commerce store that loaded in less than 3 seconds and supports 20,000+ total and 400+ concurrent users
  • This led to 25% increase in revenue in the first 6 months itself
  • From an external user/viewer perspective, it provided a standardized brand identity on a single platform to manage all content needs
  • This single platform led to over 40% reduction in operational cost due to Open Source adoption

About our Content Management & Publishing Capabilities

All challenges listed in the beginning have serious ramifications on intra-company collaboration, document storing, and knowledge sharing. To nip the problem in the bud, CIGNEX has developed RAPIDO - Rapid Automated Powerful Integrated Dynamic Open Source - Content Management & Publishing solution, which is an integrated solution designed to leverage the power of Alfresco as an Enterprise Content Management System and Drupal as a Web Content Management Solution to simplify Content Management and Publishing. The solution is built on leading enterprise-grade Open Source software such as

1. The Alfresco Content Management Platform which provides Document Management, Records Management, Versioning, Categorization, Workflow Engine, and
2. The Drupal Web Publishing Platform for managing various microsites, with features like responsive themes, SEO, Social Media, and Analytics.

Together it works beautifully to make Content Management easier and more meaningful across business units within your company.

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